5 Letter Words With These Letters
Struggling to come up with 5 letter words for Wordle or Scrabble? Or just want to find 5 letter words with specific letters in specific positions? Our word finder can help you!
Our 5 letter word finder is tailored to find 5 letter words with the letters you provide and/or matching a pattern you specify.
Making 5 letter words by rearranging letters
In the first input box, you can enter any combination of letters and wildcards (using ?). The functionality of our word finder varies depending on the number of letters you enter:
- Less than 5 letters: We will add wildcard letters to your input to make 5 letter words. For example, if you enter ABC, we will search for words that include at least one A, at least one B, and at least one C. The fourth and fifth letters can be anything, including another A, B, or C. This particular search will return words like BASIC, BATCH, CABIN, and many more.
- Exactly 5 letters: We will search for words that can be made by rearranging the letters you've entered. These are also called Anagrams. For example, if you enter RCATE, we will suggest words like CRATE, CATER, and REACT.
- More than 5 letters: We will search for words that can be made by picking any 5 letters from the letters you've entered. For example, if you enter ABCDEF, we will suggest words like DECAF and FACED.
In addition to this, you can use wildcard characters (similar to blank tiles in Scrabble) by inputting a ? in the letters box. For example, if you enter ABCDE?, we will suggest words like CUBED where the wildcard is used as a U and CAVED where the wildcard is used as an V.
Finding 5 letter words with letters in specific positions
Our second input box allows you to enter a pattern of letters to match at each position. You can enter letters in any of them and leave others blank. As an example, if you enter A in the first box, leave the second box blank, and enter R in the third box, and leave the fourth and fifth boxes blank as well, we will suggest 5 letter words like ARROW and AGREE.
Only one of the two input boxes is required. If you fill in letters in both boxes, we will suggest words that match both criteria. Alternatively, you can fill in only one of the boxes and leave the other one blank.